COVID-19 Safety Plan

Onward and upward!
The ALBA Covid-19 safety and contingency plans are poised and ready to meet any challenges that could arise.

The Small Group Concept

Unlike most other Study Abroad programs, ALBA is built on the small-group principle, making it very flexible and ready for change at all times. With a limited amount of students per term, it is easy to get to know all of our students and keep track of their specific needs.

ALBA Facilities

We have made the pertinent adjustments to our school in order to be prepared to comfortably receive students in person once again.

ALBA Facility Diagram

The ALBA facilities are comprised of 4,800 Sq Ft, in which we have various common areas and study rooms (Yellow), six classrooms (Blue), four lavatories (Green), and two administration offices (Purple). Even with all 60 students at the ALBA facilities at once (which never happens), just with the common areas and classrooms, we would have the currently suggested 27 Sq Ft of space per student, allowing us to maintain more than adequate social distancing from one person to the next.

Additionally, ALBA students have access to Universitat Pompeu Fabra libraries and study rooms, as well as to public libraries that follow strict health measures.

Hygienic environment


We are following the indications and protocols of the Spanish health authorities in order to maintain a healthy environment in our facilities.

  • We have sanitary gel and tissues at the students’ disposition in the common areas and the entrances.
  • We have hygiene reminder signs and distancing measure reminders distributed in key points around the facilities.
  • The cleaning service frequency has been increased and is using products that are proven to be effective against the virus.



We have set a limit of students for each classroom based on the amount of Sq Ft, in order to guarantee a safety distance of five feet between students.

Schedules will be arranged to avoid peaks in attendance and guarantee an even flow of students during the entire day.

Housing within walking distance


We will only be offering housing options within a 30 minutes distance to ALBA. In most scenarios, students will be able to avoid public transportation, despite public transportation now being deemed safe.


Health Insurance

ALBA works with one of the best private hospitals in the city that ensures:

  • COVID-19 tests to confirm infection or antibodies
  • Hospitalization and treatment if necessary
  • 24/7 emergency service
  • English-speaking professionals and physicians
  • Online doctor visits if necessary


Extracurricular activities

  • Cooking Classes – Cooking groups will be determined based on current guidelines.
  • Excursions – We will be running the full-day excursions, following Spanish authorities’ recommendations regarding transportation.
  • Mixers, movie nights, seminars and other ALBA events – We will still be holding the regular events but following distancing and other health protection measures.


Other Considerations

  • Orientation – We will hold an online Pre-Departure Orientation 7-10 days before the recommended Arrival Date.
  • Arrival Quarantine – There is no arrival quarantine anticipated for students arriving in late September. It might be recommended that students get tested within 48-hours of departing the U.S. and carrying the test certification on their person. If there is an arrival quarantine in place, students will stay in their accommodation the required number of days and do the first few classes online through the ALBA GLE.

Contingency Plan

What happens in the event of temporary or permanent interruption to in-person classes?

Not a problem. The ALBA Global Learning Experience online program is in place and ready to go at all times!

What will happen with students that become sick?

If a student should become sick, that student will self-isolate in their own, or alternative accommodation, and attend their classes online until testing negative in a covid test.

ALBA has been working on a Contingency Plan that considers all kinds of scenarios in the case of an upturn of the infection at some point. This plan is coherent with the rest of the study abroad industry in Spain, the recommendations of the Spanish health authorities, and the US Embassy in Madrid.